Saturday, April 18, 2020

Puzzle Finished


This morning I finished the puzzle. I had been wondering about one piece that did not seem to fit with the colors anywhere. When all done that piece was still hanging around. I gently swept my hands over the puzzle to see if there was a hole I could not see. All pieces were present and accounted for. There is another puzzle that has come from the same company. I suspect this piece belongs with it. I brought these puzzles home a long time ago. They were used, but I do not remember just where they came from.

That loose piece might push me to work on another puzzle while we are more confined to home.

I cleaned a closet in the kitchen which I consider a pantry, although it is not as large as the pantry was in the house that I grew up in. I got everything out, very carefully keeping shelf items separate so I could put it back without working my brain too much. Then I cleaned the inside of the area by wiping things down and scrubbing a few places.

Leroy was spending his two hours working calling people from the museum patron list. Leroy finished his work so he helped me put things back. That was very nice especially for the high areas so there was not so much climbing on the chair.

Leroy was happier with his calling today because a number of people answered the phone so he did not have to leave a message. If there is no answer on the first call they call back at another time. He is looking forward to being done with this task.


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