Friday, January 4, 2013

New Realization


I realized just now what makes it hard for me to find music on the iPod is that I generally do not know what I am listening to. I frequently cannot tell you the name of piece, composer, or artist. That makes it more difficult to find something to listen to when I need to know at least one of those things to find it on the iPod. Thankfully some of it has been put into a meaningful playlist therefore I can work at finding it that way. Even that is still an effort since I do not know where to go from there. So there is this list? What do I want to listen in the list? Perhaps what it means is that music is really mostly background in my life and not close to the front of my awareness. In the past, I could peruse my CDs. Now I can still peruse them, look for a title and then search it out on the iPod. It seems like a long road to me, but it might get shorter in the future if I listen more learning titles as I go.

It was nice to be back at work. I have enjoyed getting to know my co-workers. There was a large pile of work on my desk much of which is still there. Some of the work I pick up on line such as the ILL so I did that first. Monday the pile should diminish significantly.

I forgot the glasses that I use when working on the computer and that slows me down a little. Next time I will take them with me.

Leroy is thinking that the streets are clear enough that he could ride the bike, but his hands get so cold that he does not want to ride just yet. He had hoped to almost all of the time, but winter does make a difference.

I noticed that it is lighter at night so he would be seen more on the bike if he did ride. Then too he has just purchased that greatly visible vest. I noticed that color in great variety in the workout clothes styles. It is even, one might say, popular.


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