Sunday, January 27, 2013

Ice Day


After a short discussion involving weather, Leroy and I decided to walk to church. The rain was to come later and only .1 or .25 inch. That sounded like everything we could deal with. When we got out the door at 7:30 it was already sleeting. At this point it was quite easy to walk. I was wearing my winter boots that are water proof. Leroy had on a pair of black sneaker type shoes. I walked on the grass as a precaution and Leroy stuck to the side walk. He did not slip at all. We did take out our umbrellas as a nod to the stuff coming down that seemed to be becoming more rain like.

Attendance at church was slim, but since Leroy is not the pastor it was not much our concern. However he did do a Sunday school class that that was also just a few people. He did a good job. One person told him that he needed to stop singing in the choir and just do Sunday school. I thought that was a nice compliment. He will do some more sessions as it fits with the choir schedule.

Unfortunately for me I forgot to bring my shoes. These waterproof boots are waterproof and non-breathable. After a bit my feet got to the sweat point and the Morton’s Neuroma let me know that it was still with me. If I am careful about the shoes I wear and I keep my feet cool I am fine. During Sunday school I slipped off my boots even though I was sitting in the front row. It seemed to me that I needed get prepared for the mile walk home.

As we were leaving the church it was definitely raining. The parking lot was quite slick to walk across, but I clung to Leroy’s arm. His shoes were gripping and my boots were slipping. As soon as I could, I chose to walk on the grass. That made for a much better walk. There was occasionally more wind. My skirt was a bit wet on the wind side by the time we got home. Leroy did say his socks were starting to get damp as water came through his shoes. He did not want to wear his over shoes because he did not want to hurt them. Seems to me we bought them for just this type of situation, but I guess I was wrong. They are special and not to be found just anywhere.


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