Thursday, January 24, 2013

Life in Winter


Monday evening when I left work the car was cold. Would it be the same temp as the air around it? I do not give it much time to warm up as that does not feel necessary to me. It protested, creaked, swayed, and groaned as we moved down the street in the almost 0 degree chill. At the intersection, since no one else was around, I got out to check on the tires, wondering if they could be low. It also made me feel that I was taking care of something. They were fine so I got back in and announced, “You will warm up and it will be fine soon.”

I just turned up the radio so I did not hear so much car protest. What a wonderful thing these vehicles are that they can operate in such extremes of both hot and cold. I am grateful for the inventions that have made this possible. After sitting out for almost eight hours, it just starts as easily as if it were a comfortable temperature.

This car still runs well, but it is a 2004 with over 100,000 miles on it. It could be forgiven for a break down or two. I do take boots, wool socks, and an extra scarf with me for such an emergency walk in the cold. So far all is well.

Last night it was not so cold. Leroy and I walked the mile to church, but the wind was bitterly frigid at the side of our faces. Neither of us had on face masks and we were happy to get to the building and rush inside. One of the choir members who had seen us out on Sunday asked if we had once again walked. We said, “Yes and it is worse than Sunday even though the temperature is higher.  The wind is quite brisk.”

“Would you like a ride home,” she asked.

We leaped on that offer so fast that I could hardly believe it. We both knew that on the way home we would be walking into the wind quite a bit more and it could be almost dangerous to our skin.


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