Monday, January 14, 2013

Morning Work


I feel that I have done a lot this morning since Leroy left.  I have washed a load of clothes, dried them some, hung them on the drying rack, called the credit union, read email, tried to send a scan to Leroy, worked on the puzzle, relaxed by reading a bit, dusted the living room, followed about half of the Tai Chi DVD, and ate a snack.

We are only drying the clothes some because the dryer gets so hot. It will be fixed, but not just yet. Also I do not mind hanging them as I think it helps save the environment, but I do like to have them fluffed up and delinted from time to time. It helps too to have them partly dried because then hopefully I can fold and put away before I go to work. Unfortunately that will not happen today because I did not start early enough.

The credit union call was necessitated because they sent a letter to our “old address”. Our bank as switched to a credit union and for some reason that I do not understand we each have to have one more savings account. It requires only a $1.00 deposit. Anyway I took care of those things. While on hold waiting for the call to be answered, I read email. Aren’t speaker phones great?

Last night we got out a 1,000 piece puzzle that Brian and Jan passed on to us warning us that one piece was missing. We did not care. Leroy did grumble last night as we were turning over hundreds of pieces, “I think we should have chosen one of the 500 piece puzzles,” adding, “I think 50 pieces are the best.” Perhaps because of weak spatial skills Leroy does have a hard time with puzzles.

I am pleased with the Tai Chi DVD. It was well worth $4, but I must take it in small amounts if I am going to master the whole thing. I have real difficulty flipping my brain images so I can follow people facing me. They do do the entire sequence with their backs to the audience at the end, but I need to learn all of the steps singly. Surely this is good for my brain too.

I was successful at getting the scan sent, but for reasons that I do not know about, it was rejected by Leroy’s work account. It also rejected my plain email. Could I have the wrong address?


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