Friday, January 18, 2013



I know that Leroy suggested we get the puzzle out, but I am the one who is addicted. I have to speak to myself to get my attention focused on anything else. Then I have to speak again more sternly. I will stop to eat, get groceries, or work. I slide in with slimmer margins than I used to.

Just now the timer went off telling me that I must stir my granola. After the timer gave me the warning, I did stir the granola. On my way back to finish this letter I stopped to look at the puzzle and managed to put in at least three pieces. Perhaps half of the pieces are now together so it goes a bit easier. Occasionally I can even pick up a piece and put it in the proper place without struggle. Leroy dislikes it when I do that.

I look for the color fit first and then the content along with the shape of the piece. Leroy has a whole other way of approaching this task. I am not sure that I understand what he does.

Leroy’s birthday is early in February. I was pleased today to find two presents for him. Usually buying presents is an ordeal for me. I just happened to find these two items that I feel certain he would enjoy. They were on a good sale and that is what really sucked me in. With this additional deal and that greater discount they cost just a little over $5 when originally they were over $50. After Christmas or seasonal clearance sales are great for those February birthdays. I cannot tell you what I got for him because he often reads these letters. I am sure he is pleased to know that I got something as that is not my strong point. The hard part is that I know he cares about that as that was the way he was raised. My family was much less focused on gifts. I suspect I learned not to expect very much.


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