Friday, January 11, 2013

Birds and Music


I have noticed quite a number of crows in the air or in the trees, but this afternoon when out walking there were twenty-six of them in just two trees. That seems like a big family to me. Have you ever thought about how much weight trees hold with birds, squirrels, and leaves taking a lot of space in the branches? Glad I am not a tree bearing such loads. Besides I would not like to stand in one place all of the time.

The calendar that I had brought home had birds on it. Because neither Leroy nor I had not looked at in a day and a half, I returned it to the library. It was gone before I left. I am pleased about that. It is nice to pass something on.

I am listening to some classical music as I type and I am not too distracted, but that means I do not pay much attention to the music. That seems disrespectful of the music. It seems that perhaps I need more music that I do not really need to listen to. Could it just set a mood as happens in the movies? Now just what music would that be? Elevator music? Popular music of some type? Easy listening? Unfortunately I know no names or artists or composers in those areas.

If crows had a nice song I could just open the window and be treated to a concert.

I thought I might listen to a CD of songs from Ukraine that we were given by a woman from there. Unfortunately I cannot find the CD consequently I do not know the name of the album or songs or artists. Does this sound like an old song and dance? What I am listening to now is from a CD called Mad About the Classics. They are not such serious pieces or I know them so well that I can half listen and get the mood or essence. How did I find this on the iPod? I first searched out the CD and then found the album on the iPod. Someday it will be simple, but not yet.


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