Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Grumble! Grumble!


I get email notice of the credit card bill. It just shows the total amount and not what all the credits were. I was rather amazed at the amount, as I had been expecting a much smaller bill.

When Leroy came home he said, “Let’s try again to get into that account so we can check on this.”

I can tell you that hackers we are not the world does not need to fear us. It kept telling me that the information that I had put in was incorrect. Leroy offered this opinion, “I think I got in there the last time when we were at Miriam’s and she helped me, but I did not write down any of the info.”

We finally had an on-line chat with a help person. I did get my ID for use and then she assigned a new password. But it still would not accept it because we are on a different computer and I had to put in the city where I was born, but it kept telling me that was not it. Finally I thought maybe I should put in Leroy’s city and that was correct. This account is in my name, we share it, but when it asked for the city I assumed that it would surely have on file my birth city. I suppose because Leroy was setting the online access up he put in his city! It also does not help that we have lived in many places and I have more than one email account. At least as the helpful person said, “it is to keep our account secure” and it is secure from us. J Financially secure, but frazzled.

Guess what! When we got into the account we saw that those were indeed bigger charges that I had forgotten about such as a gift to world hunger, and shots for Kenya.

That help lady did give me a number to call to tell the credit card people that we were going to Kenya. After sorting through a long menu I was able to relay the information to a live person. The same was true of the bank and our debit card.

Leroy and I are both emotionally tired. Besides I walked to a store this afternoon and found I did not have my wallet. I had to growl my way back home as that added slightly over a mile to my walk. Surely there are health benefits even during a grumpy walk, but I suspect it is greater if the spirit is calm.


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