Thursday, January 15, 2009

Good Old Car


Our 1990 Toyota started right up when Leroy turned the key this morning to drive to church. It is –10 in the carport. We think that is quite good. This car has worked very well since we have replaced the alternator. Now we talk a lot about not needing two cars, but we do not know what our next situation will bring so we "hang on" to both of them. We find that we also like the heater better in this car than in the newer one. We consider the Saturn our "out of town car", but Leroy does drive the Toyota 20 miles to the out of town church and has had no trouble with it. We have been lucky lately because no more plastic parts have broken on it. We think it could run a long time yet.

It is quite cold here, but sunny so that makes me feel like it is a good day.

Because church meetings were cancelled Leroy watched the third Star Wars video last night. Brian now has the DVD’s and he asked Leroy if he wanted the videos. Leroy was quite hesitant, but I think it was a proper move to take them since he has watched all three and will probably watch them again someday. I am not sure why, but I have a hard time hanging in there with these films. Sometimes I think I should watch them just so I know what people are referring to when they are mentioned in conversation. For now though I am culturally illiterate and I do not mind that. We can not know it all anyway.

The poor amaryllis that I bought is now turning its leaves green. I am happy for it. I just hope I can keep it alive and it will bloom next year. How many plants can I move? I always get so attached to the plants and moving is hard on them. This house has been good because there are so many windows and so much light. It is good for me too.


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