Friday, December 6, 2013

Writing Again


I have excuses, let me list them. Times were busy at Miriam’s, I did not feel so peppy, times were busy, I felt tired, times were busy, and I wanted to just read in my time off. As for my health I think I have a little something. Miriam and I practiced Wednesday evening in preparation for singing in church. During the night I woke with a funny feeling in my throat. In the morning I had almost no voice. This condition persisted through Friday. Saturday was better, but I was coughing more, post nasal drip along with some sneezing appeared. By Sunday morning I decided I could perhaps sing. Another woman at church did feel that she could handle the song, but I went ahead and did it anyway taking a break in a couple unscheduled places. I think we sounded fine, however not as good as the one man thought we did. He said, “I thought I was listening to someone on the radio.”

Monday, after Thanksgiving, we drove Olivia, along with a carpool rider, to her school. Miriam gave Leroy directions, consequently I drove and he navigated along with help from the back seat, namely, Olivia and friend. All went well until we got to one stop sign where Leroy told me to turn right. The girls from the back seat yelled no, stay left. Luckily there was no traffic behind me at that point so I could almost stop while we discussed where we needed to go. At that point the girls said we should go straight ahead and Leroy agreed. The confusion occurred because I needed to be in the right lane to go straight. Then the girls told me to turn left off a rather busy street. Once I was in the turn lane they realized it was too soon, but no getting out of that lane at that point. When we were on the much quieter street Olivia realized that she knew where we were and she and her friend could direct us to her school along a rather circuitous route. It was the perfect way to go. Now the directions leaving the school were not so clear to Leroy, but we made it by following our instincts. One of the problems with the streets up on the mountains is that they follow the land and not straight lines. We took a slightly less direct route back to the house, but managed, by going to the side and downhill. Adventures all the time.


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