Wednesday, December 18, 2013



I stopped at the school library where my Christmas cacti have been incubating buds and blossoms. The one that had been my mother’s was particularly beautiful with many buds already open. If I had a camera in a phone I could have taken a picture. The bigger one that is 42 this year is not so far along. There are many buds on it so it has a chance to rival its younger friend. I had planned on bringing the smaller one home, but I am not sure that I want to move it again as a few buds/flowers came off and a small chunk of branch fell off. Our car is not big enough to give them copious room. At least there are no other signs of stress from being moved. I hope all will be well with them. When I told Leroy I might not bring it home he said, “You mean I have to go to Ely to see them?”

It was a slow day with lower numbers of people at the library yesterday. Doing too many other things? Leroy tells me that the museum library is also not very busy at this time. That means we can get a lot of cataloging done. I even got two original DVD’s done. That is a much longer process than just grabbing the catalog record from another source. It is especially lengthy because I seldom do that so I have to look things up and figure it out. I just have to remember not to grouse about it, but be happy that I am using more parts of my brain.

Yesterday the sun was shining. I am amazed at the pleasant smiles and greetings that come with that sun. It perks us up and helps us to deal with what life brings.

We do not control the heat in our apartment. Last year it all seemed to work fine. This year we are too hot even though the downstairs temperature is set at 65. For some reason we are at about 70. In order to sleep in a cooler place we shut the registers (They are registers because this house is 100 years old.) that has helped a great deal. We just have to remember to make the change. Remembering is hard.


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