Thursday, September 30, 2010


September 30, 2010


Someone asked to see the pictures that I put up in the basement. A few people thought that we did it in a great hurry. My method was to sort the pictures into groupings, put each group on the floor to arrange, and have Leroy help hang. I am sending a photo site to you so you can see them if you like. They are at the end of the album. They are not the best photos, but it gives you an idea of their arrangement.

There are two pictures of me that Leroy took in the park. My vanity wanted to delete one of them, but then I decided that most of you have seen all my wrinkles anyway. I apparently do not look at wrinkles in the mirror, but just ignore what is there because I found it shocking. I surely do not look like that. Don’t tell me about it, I do not want to know. I am all for touching up photos. Seems to me like the greatest invention.

We had a time trying to take the sunrise pictures. We have taken sunset pictures and had no difficulty. What is going on here? Actually we have taken sunrise before too and it was good. Life makes some skills vanish in a nanosecond.

The praying mantis was on the backdoor, but I did not see it until I was ready to go back in. I hope I did not lop off a leg when the door closed, but it is possible. We had a praying mantis on the house in Chariton. It was also on the door. Do they like doors?

Here is the website for looking at any photos.


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