Thursday, September 16, 2010

Random Observations


For reasons that we do not understand the refrigerator door is closing almost effortlessly. Nice fact and we are grateful. Another thing we are grateful about is that the people who mow the church lawn also mow ours saving us the hassle of getting a mower, keeping it running, buying gas, and spending the time. This is a real gift on several levels. Do you suppose someone will do the drive in the winter when it snows? It is a bit daunting to think of shoveling the long expanse by hand.

Yesterday before the mowers came there was the most interesting brilliant orange fungus growing out front under one of the trees.

A thread pulled out on the box springs of the bed for the spare room. I thought it was a gift when I found a hand held, battery operated sewing machine, and only 25 cents. It runs alright, but could not be lined up with the mattress. So yesterday I searched out an appropriate needle and some strong thread. Between the two of us we got the job done. Leroy did most of it. So now that bed is together. Yes, something to check off the “to do” list.

A member of the congregation looked at the blinds in the bedrooms. It took him ten minutes also to get them to come down, however after he took them apart a little he discovered how they should operate so now we can lower the blinds in a mere portion of a minute. He also replaced the smoke alarms and worked on the front door bell as that unit had fallen off and held in place by tape.

When I weeded yesterday I learned that we have chives as well as mint growing in the back. There is also rhubarb, but that will not be so interesting until spring.


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