Tuesday, September 28, 2010



Sunday afternoon/evening we went on a hayride, ate, looked at buttons, and sat around a fire. I’ll bet you understand all but looking at buttons. The host woman has an amazing button collection. It was quite interesting. But then I guess I saw only a part of it, maybe a third and it was comprised of several hundred buttons. Because Burlington is a river town it had several button factories in town. Apparently this is true for most of the river towns. In the old days things were made more locally. Buttons were obviously of great importance in a culture that did not have elastic for waists. What a difference too that we have so many clothing items that just slip over our heads. Buttons were art that was worn. Now many of our buttons are hidden.

Yesterday I again rode the bike downtown, but forgot to bring my bike lock key. That cramped my style a bit. I just returned books at the library and did not select. At the Port of Burlington, the welcome center, I got a map of Burlington and commented, “I would have liked to look at your great displays, but I can not lock my bike.”

“Where is it,” she wanted to know.

When she saw it she said, “You can just bring it in and put it by the door. I thought maybe it was a motorcycle.”

That was great. I even found a phone number for the symphony so now Leroy and I can get season tickets. We have gotten season tickets to a theater that performs close to us, but Leroy said probably not close enough to walk. There are four plays in the series with the first starting this week. We are looking forward to some of this entertainment.


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