Saturday, September 25, 2010

Photo Gallery


Yesterday Leroy and I worked hard and got up a lot of pictures. This afternoon we put up some more. The basement/computer room is now my family photo place. All but four of them are hung on pins so I do not feel so bad about holes in the wall. This is wallboard so it is easy with the pins.

I have one grouping that is the couples. There are pictures of our children, parents and us. Leroy and I along with his parents have pictures that are later in our relationship. The kids and my parents have their wedding pictures up. So that is a total of six pictures.

Moving on to the adjacent wall there are family pictures of just our group of three, then four then five and finally six before it narrows down to two. I had all these pictures up in Chariton and so much enjoyed that because after the new ones came out, I would put the old away. Now again I am grateful for so much wall space that I can see them again after having them put away. There are fourteen pictures in this set.

I then have a set that is from my side of the family that includes my dad’s confirmation picture. I remember when my sister, brother, and I found this picture in a box. We could not imagine who my dad was. Then when we found out we just laughed and laughed. This was the day of no smiling for a picture and Daddy is wearing glasses. Something I never saw him do until after I left home and he needed glasses for close things. This grouping includes eight pictures.

The next wall has a group of pictures that include baby pictures for Leroy, me, and each of our children. Our high school graduation pictures are just under that. In Chariton the wall space was a bit different and it was easy to make them go in a circle. Here we had to stick with lines a bit more and that made them harder to arrange. The group has a total of ten pictures.

The last grouping is from Leroy’s family. Some how there are only three pictures in this group. Not so many in frames I guess. Leroy’s family did have a lot of pictures. I could have framed some more, but Leroy is not so interested.

We also hung our entire family photo grouping that was taken a year ago in the kitchen eating area. Now that required a nail. We are going to put the four granddaughter’s newer photos around that. For that we will use the hangers that do not mark the wall and can be taken down and reused.

After all this Leroy and I are still speaking to each other even though Leroy declared it as bad as moving furniture. Is this where my heart is?


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