Our guest left before we got up. She had a bit of trouble finding our house so it was a short, easy visit. We are planning on another time in the fall when she will again come back to Iowa. She slept on the mattress on the floor. I lay on that mattress before we put sheets on it and decided it was almost better than the spare bed we are sleeping on. Tomorrow night we will be in the master bedroom for the first night. Guess that is good for having been here two weeks.
We did not have time to walk this morning so I went in the afternoon. It was nice, but I realized that Leroy has been leading most of the time and I really did not know how to get around the park. I was just glad to make it back home. What a treat as the fountain was running. I stopped and watched a barge move up the Mississippi and when I turned back to the fountain, it was just putting out plumes of water here and there. Was that first show just for me?
To organize my necklaces I needed a nail with a small head. Such was not to be found earlier. Determined I searched more thoroughly in the garage. Great I found one. Now I could hang up my dad’s necktie holder. It has nice bars on it so I can put a multitude of necklaces on it. The master bedroom looks so much neater without necklaces strewn around. My guest spurred me on since I did not want anyone else to see it.
Leroy spent an hour in the garage this afternoon and he was pleased to find some things that had not shown up before. We are getting there, but it just takes time to find a home for everything.
Leroy also said he is wrestling with a sermon for Sunday. I think that means he is losing, but he assured me that there is still Saturday or maybe even early tomorrow morning. It does not work so well to take Friday off when he is accustomed to sermon writing on Friday morning.
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