Tuesday, January 13, 2015



The amazing vase now has five red varying height tight bud roses resting in the out of sight cup. I could take a picture for you, but do not want to expend my time in that manner. It is too many steps for this moment. I would get out the camera, choose a clean uncluttered background, take at least two shots, determine the best, take the chip out of the camera, put chip in computer, download the pictures, note the number, and attach it to the letter. I suppose it is not really that much work, but I just do not want to be bothered right now. Use your expansive imaginations. I know they work in a matter of seconds. I know, I know some of you would use your smart phone, but…

Leroy did bring home the family picture grouping last night. It is hanging in the kitchen where we can enjoy it at all meals. Last night I would have said there was no glare, but this morning with the sun outside I do see some, but it something that I can live with. This museum glass does not magnify the light, but just allows it to exist in the smallest of ways.

I asked Leroy, you know that guy Leroy who works in a museum now, “Museums do not have windows in their art exhibit areas?”

His emphatic response, “No they do not. They have very controlled lighting.”

My home is not so controlled and I love the windows which allow the sun to shine or give us light in every room.

Speaking of pictures, in my Yahoo email account there is now a picture of someone posing as me. When I to write to my other accounts that have my name clearly associated with them, this picture comes up. It is of a woman who might be in her thirties with dark straight hair. She is fairly attractive, but I have never had such chin length straight hair. Where did she come from? I do not recognize her and neither does Leroy. By googling my name I know there is another Paula Bradway, but I think she lives on the East coast of the USA. How did this happen?


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