Sunday, February 9, 2014

Vanity, Rules?


We walked to church with no wind, or not much and the temp right around zero or three above depending on the source of information. I did not want my hair to be extremely flattened so I wore my puffy hat that is not quite so good at the warming job. By the time we got to church my cheeks and the rest of the front of my face where quite ready to step inside.

Going home no such restrictions applied consequently I was much more comfortable with my hooded neck warmer. Beside, the sun was out and the temperature had surely risen. I am grateful for coats with hoods. I have given mine plenty of use this winter. I don’t even like to purchase a jacket without a hood as I never know when I might feel the need for a little something more. With the hood attached I am always prepared.

I cook frequently without a recipe especially when making bean soup. The batch I made yesterday was delicious. Spices or flavorings were: bay leaves, a half stick of cinnamon, cumin, basil, garlic, and onion. I cannot duplicate it because except for the bay leaves and the cinnamon, I have no idea how much I put in. Leroy too thought it was great. At least we will enjoy it a half week.

For dessert there was cranberry gingerbread topped with plain yogurt and unsweetened homemade applesauce. It was also quite good. Sometimes the meals come together and sometimes not.


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