Monday, February 17, 2014

Home Today


It snowed quite a lot here so I stayed home from work. Now I feel a bit guilty because it is nice and sunny with some melting of snow on the streets. I would probably find it find to come home tonight, but it seemed late to go by the time it cleared. I will work tomorrow even though I had planned to be home because I work on Saturday.

Leroy and I shoveled this afternoon. It was nice to be out, but the snow was heavier with the warmer weather and our piles along the sidewalk are getting tall so it takes more effort to hoist the snow over those piles. In the back by the garage we are running out of spots to put the snow. A few days melt would be a good thing. It would also be good if the melt was gradual for those people downstream.

The other day I looked out and saw an animal parked in our fir tree. I could not tell at first that it was not a squirrel. After a bit I could see it was a calico cat. Small birds use this tree a lot for shelter and resting. Do you suppose that cat thought it was a good hunting ground? Because it was so high in the air I am not sure how it would manage to catch anything without falling. The next time I looked the cat was gone.

Our landlord has out a large heated water bowl. It looks like a blue large dog dish. I have seen both cats, squirrels, and birds visit it. I had not thought about all of these creatures wanting water.

This morning, Leroy actually came home from work after being there only about an hour. The museum officially closed. That lucky did not even have to clean the car of snow since he parks in a garage. I do envy him that luxury.

He will be doing some supply preaching so he worked on that sermon.


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