Saturday, November 18, 2023

Walking Around

Hello, Our morning walk which is just 1300 steps was a nice outing for me. I made sure my face was not exposed to the sun. Leroy has not walked much either so I am not sure he will get to 10000 steps. He is still doing a great job fixing meals and washing dishes. They told me not to do any dishwashing duty. I do put dishes away, but that does not seem like much work. Should I go to church tomorrow or not. I would like to get out, but I would not walk. Driving is fine. The choir sings, but I do not know if I will do that. Tomorrow is another day to decide. Our home phone is not working very well. When people call, they can not hear us even though we can hear them. A new phone did not improve the situation. Now the question is can this be fixed. We have not yet called the phone provider or the company that makes the phone. I think we should do that before we toss out the home phone. We know many people do not have one any more, but I am not quite ready to go down that path. All this fussing around is stressful for Leroy. It might be easier just to quite having a home phone. If we can not fix this problem I will accept the situation. Paula

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