Friday, November 10, 2023

Two days of Ease?

Hello, I am to take it easy for two days after my Mohl Surgery on my nose, but Leroy is not sure that I can do that. Is that a challenge to me? Will I do it just to prove him wrong? I do not spend so much time sitting around. Does walking count as taking it easy? One of my friends is having basically the same surgery two days after I am. He was not told in the preop instructions to take it easy. Was that an oversight or is there something different about mine? We will compare notes later. We were going to go to the library to get resupplied with books only to learn that it was closed. Tomorrow we will be there on time. I will also look for some DVDs to keep me a little more stationary. Leroy will be able to do a little volunteer work at church when I am having my surgery done. They said I should have a driver, but I am unsure that I will need such. Leroy insisted and he will be just across the street so it is easy for him to spend some time occupied with something, rather than just sit around. We finished delivering the neighborhood newsletters today. It is good not to have to be concerned about getting that done. We do not have to do it again until March. It is great to take a break. Now I am wondering how I will occupy my time since there is also no garden work for some time to come now. What do people do in the winter? Paula

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