Tuesday, November 28, 2023

Are We Crazy

Hello, Yesterday when the temperature was below 20 F. I announced to Leroy, “I am going to the community garden and get the Brussel sprouts. I would like to have some help.” He agreed to come and we gathered large bags, a knife, and a saw. We took the car because there were at least four long tall plants to bring home. It was much too cold to try to get off the sprouts at the garden. Leroy pulled up one plant and then tried sawing off the root so we would not have so much dirt in the car. It was not working very well. It helped to go use the picnic table at the dorm next door. While he was sawing, I went to pull up the other three plants. The wind was howling across this space so we did not want to waste any time. It took bending, twisting, and pulling to get those sprout plants out of the ground. Leroy was still having some trouble sawing so when I finished the pulling, I held the plants allowing him to get good leverage on the situation. As soon as we were finished, we got those things in the garbage bags, in the car, and the heated seats on under our bottoms, not for the plants. At home, we put the garage bags in the shower to keep some of the debris confined to one area. I managed to pull off enough for supper. They were very mild, perhaps they had been frozen. We notified one other community garden person that we had them. She came and got two of the plants. I was so happy as each plant represented quite a bit of work to remove those sprouts. If they had been in my space, I would have felt obligated to try to save them. Leroy and I worked, alternating jobs to get that done. We got them off, cleaned and frozen before we were done. We just hope there is still some value in them. Paula

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