Friday, November 24, 2023


Hello, Leroy went to get blood work done this morning, but the lab was closed. I walked to church, both for the excuse to walk and to learn what the lessons are for Sunday since I am reading them. Church was closed. It must be because Leroy is working that we figured everything would be open as well. He did tell me that there were not very many visitors to the museum library. I was able to pick up a prescription for Leroy, nice the pharmacy was open. Black Friday is not a time for me to shop. I do not like to go when there are many people around. Plus, I do not know what I would buy. Not much on my list. I am reading Catcher in the Rye for the church book club. It is a banned book. I suppose because of all the swearing in it and perhaps some sexual references. It was not a favorite when I read it before and it has not moved up on my list of must reads. Not sure I will even finish it this time. From time to time, I skip big groups of words so it will move a little faster. It is a classic, but perhaps it would help if someone told me what makes it a classic. Our flight schedule to Utah at Christmas has changed two times. Not so many minutes each time so it does not affect us very much. At least we are still going. Paula

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