Monday, November 6, 2023


Hello, I am happy to say that I have applied for my last action team grant this year. I hope I get it. It is from my nonprofit insurance company. As in the past I requested funds to distribute books to the little free libraries in the area. The books will be aimed at people of color or people who are handicapped in some way. The idea is that kids feel better about themselves when they see kids like them in a book. It was so easy to do this. They let me reapply. So, I did not have to rewrite the entire thing. Leroy and I delivered some of the neighborhood newsletter this afternoon. It was beautiful outside and we got a nice amount delivered. I am not sure I can do some again tomorrow, because I have appointments some of the time. This is the last newsletter for this year. I both like to do it and am glad when there is a break in this process. Yesterday we repotted the rosemary so it should survive the winter in our house. I pruned a good bit for our meal last night. It is pungent. The rosemary is a fairly large plant. This afternoon we chopped up and froze much of the swill chard I had picked last week. It was time to take care of it. I thought we would eat more of it than we have. We also got some leaves picked up in the back yard. There are still more leaves to fall, but not so many now. Paula

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