Tuesday, January 17, 2023

Tornado Warning

Hello, We were talking to Sarah on the phone when Leroy’s phone sent out a warning followed closely by the city sirens. We looked out the windows and could see clouds along with the rain. The warnings seemed very unusual. The TV did indeed have tornado warnings with the report of one some distance from us, but the storm was coming our direction. It did not look that bad out, but we still had a little time before it was with us. There was thunder and lightning. There was also the report of hail to be with it. We watched some more, talked about going to a lower lever of the house. We did finally go to the bottom of the stairs, but kept listening to the phone for reports. It did go a bit south of us, going over Ely. There was no damage, but it was disconcerting to have such an event in the winter. They always say to not look out the windows, broken glass being dangerous, but that is the first thing we did. For some reason we wanted to see what was going on. It did not look that bad. Given the flighty nature of tornados, we are not very sensible. Grateful that there was no damage, just a bit of excitement. We had returned from a walk not very long before and it was nice to be in a warm dry place -- safe. Paula

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