Monday, March 6, 2017

Moving On


Leroy and I are participating in the church challenge to move more during Lent by virtually walking around Germany to the sites that were important in Luther’s life. Rather than do the miles it is based on every 15 minutes of physical activity so there is no question about how much to add for swimming or biking. I like this idea. Leroy has already put on quite a bit of time. He walked to church twice yesterday so that gets him off to a good start. He also added in the amount of time that we spent delivering those books to the little free libraries. Today he has ridden his bike to work so he will add quite a bit more. In defense I took a walk this morning.

For some reason my Fitbit did not clear the first bit I did yesterday so I have over a 1000 steps that should not really be added to today’s total. Yesterday I walked 13,000 steps so that is quite a lot. At least it is not adding to the total amount.

I write for my devotions. This morning my pen quit. It is sadness because I have so liked this pen. It was a giveaway from a pet cemetery. How we happened to get it, I cannot imagine because we have not had a pet for years.

Last night I watched the movie, Decoding Anne Parker. It was a history of finding the gene or mutation that is responsible for breast cancer. I thought of my family. My grandmother died of breast cancer. My mother had breast cancer. Three of my cousins have had it, one who died when she was quite young. In addition my mother had a melanoma and bladder cancer that recurred three or four times. My sister died of a melanoma. I suspect our family has that gene locked in. I am not sure why, but I do not feel that I have it. However, I realize that time might show otherwise. I am grateful to have missed it until now. Hopefully my lifestyle helps me to stay healthy. However it does not matter because I feel so good eating right and exercising. There is no reason from me to live any other way.


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