Tuesday, March 28, 2017

The Pain


Leroy’s face is so red that it hurts to look at him, partly because it is sore but partly because memory is opened and exposed. Soon he will be finished putting on the cream and healing can start. I remember that almost immediately it felt better when not exposing it to any more of the torturous, but beneficial cream. For some reason the top of his head does not look as if it has had enough applications, but the front and sides of his face are well along on the journey.

His leg hole has not healed much since the spot was taken off almost two weeks ago. It is squamous cell carcinoma. He has learned that he should be in good shape afterwards. So he believes that he can do the three worship services since they are not strenuous activity. Leroy also is considering the possibility that he will drive himself to the appointment. When it is finished he can just walk across the parking lot to the church where he will do his mostly seated work. If that works then I can just go to my work. I suppose he could call me and I could come if necessary. It would just take me longer than if I were home.

Leroy feels almost as if he is on vacation since many of his night meetings/classes are finished. Of course, I still work two nights out of the week so we have not so much time to do anything else together.

I am amazed that Leroy’s watch records him moving so many steps. He almost always has documented more than I do. The other day when we walked home from church we checked to learn how many steps we each took. He had only about 10 more than I did with that trip so it must be more accurate than I thought it could be. This watch also takes his pulse so he knows what is happening there. I do not feel the need to know that. Besides that, his watch also tells the time of day and what the date is. What more can you ask from a wrist accessory?


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