Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Sty on the Eye


Yesterday my upper eye lid hurt a bit more and more as the afternoon went on. When I finally looked at myself I was astonished to see that the lid was swollen and red. With self diagnosis, the internet, and help of friends it is declared to be a sty.

Possible cause? Most likely reason is touching the eye with dirty fingers. I should know better. Lately I have been thinking about how much I touch my face, especially as I have had this upper repertory “thing” that is not causing me to lie in bed, but to feel drained. I suppose I could have touched my nose, especially since I blow it frequently, and then touched my eye.

It bugs me so much when Leroy snuffs his nose. He tells me that blowing does not help and he cannot really blow his nose. I do not understand this situation but have to admit now that it might be the better, if not socially acceptable action, because he does not touch his nose and he does not blow so much that stuff backs up into his ears. Sigh, he wins.

I was thinking about how a year ago I was in the middle of my face peel because of pre cancerous condition. At that time, my face hurt so much that I could not touch it or sleep with the side of my face touching the pillow which was probably much more sanitary for the whole area.

My new mantra is; keep your hands away from your face. How long do you think that will last? Till I forgot! How long will that take? Probably just a short while after my eye has healed. Now that eye pain is a reminder to keep away.


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