Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Leroy at home


Leroy misses me in the evenings as I work on Monday and Tuesday nights. However, when I came home last night he was talking on the phone to son Brian. Later he told me that he had a video chat with the “girls” in DC. They had expected me to be home too. Two year old Natalie wanted to know where I was because she missed me. How sweet to be missed. Is that the biggest declaration of affection that can be made? To be special enough in someone’s life that they miss you when you are not there?

Leroy also watches a particular TV program on Monday nights. It is the only night the TV is turned on, on a regular basis. He learned last night that the program has been moved to Friday evening. So he was a bit out of sorts about that. I have learned that a certain age of young person does not watch much TV because they want to watch when they want to watch so they use their computers. Leroy apparently would agree with that group.

I also learned that the younger crowd does not use email or Facebook much, preferring to text. They also are not buying cars or maybe even learning to drive as they, if given the choice, will take public transportation because they can use their portable electronic devices and text to their hearts content. We did notice in DC on the Metro that we were some of the few who were not using some type of device. There is even a lot of walking and using. The world is changing. I thought I was almost keeping up, but forget that.

The other social media sites do not really appeal to me. I really do not want to spend much more time at the computer, ignoring life around me.


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