Monday, October 4, 2010

Settled In


The settled in feeling is coming on strong. I no longer feel so much pressure to get something done because everything can wait until I get to it. That includes pictures/posters and unpacking the ten remaining boxes.

Also it is harder to be the almost new kid on the block. At first it is easier to go up and greet people because I do not know them at all. Now I do not know who I should approach and get to know on a deeper level. I start to think that I do not belong as there are so few faces I can put names with. I will get over it, but it is a lonely time. And to think I will go through this again in about a year and then again. Am I in training for some task that I can not imagine? My roots are growing shallowly. Does that mean I can be blown over in a stiff wind? Ah, but perhaps I am now easily propagated.

We saw a bit of frost this morning on our walk. I was glad that I had put the most vulnerable house plants on the enclosed porch. Today I moved them on into the house. Now I am trying to figure out just what room will be their winter home.

The five amaryllis are still outside because I like to have them get quite cold before I bring them in. There are also spearmint and chives in the garden. I will certainly trim some of those for later use, but I wonder if it would be fun to have small amounts in the house in pots. I have never done that before.

I am burying our vegetable peelings, etc. in the garden because there is no compost. I hope the neighbors don’t think I am killing cats. I have only met one neighbor. I suppose I will have to make the effort if I want to know the rest.


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