Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Good Things

Good things
October 20, 2010


I like the living room better now. We have pounded two nails and hung two pictures that we have not had up on the walls in the US. We did have both of them on the wall in Slovakia, but not in frames. If you would like to see them you can go to this web site. I also took a closer shot of both pictures so you can see them more clearly. After I looked carefully at the painting by Leo Von Konig, I told Leroy, “I am not sure that I want that woman smoking in my living room.”

He just laughed, so she stayed. I intend to put up more things, but I have not yet decided what those things will be. I need to open some
more boxes.

Leroy and I again took a quick bike ride to the library. I had gotten a Tai Chi DVD earlier. It was for beginners. That is ok since it is different from what I was doing in Chariton. Today I got the other DVD with the title Tai Chi for older adults. Sigh, am I an older adult. I do not want to be reminded. Then I looked at the back of the case according to this an older adult is over 50, I am farther along the road than I realized.

I am getting a little more of a belly than I like. Leroy tells me that I look very slender as he walked behind me. “Does that mean I should back into all buildings?” I asked.

“You could do that do since you also have a bit of a belly,” I added, “but then we would never learn anyone’s name.”

It is a job learning so many new names. I have gotten at least ten of them down pat in my memory, but don’t ask me which ten. I remind myself that it is good for the brain.

Leroy got a new driver’s license so he is registered to vote. I sent a letter into the state because I have to renew my license in December. I have not heard from them so I am not sure that I am registered to vote. I have mixed feelings about voting. I really do not want to put the energy into learning about all of the positions and options, but I know that I should vote so I have my opinion out there whether it wins or not. Apathy is not good for the country.


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