Sunday, October 3, 2010

Farmer's Market


Thursday evening we went to the farmer’s market. There was a nice assortment of vegetables and fruits. Too bad we did not have life together enough to go all last month. It will be held indoors for this month. The amount and variety of produce will surely change if it freezes. There is no freeze predicted for this next week.

We purchased: tomatoes, cantaloupe, butternut squash, rye bread, eggplant, kohlrabi, kale, and collard greens. It is so nice to have all of these things fresh. The trouble is eating them before they spoil, especially the cantaloupe because it was very ripe.

We have been gifted with pears. After eating them for a week I came to the realization that we will not eat them all before they start to rot. I have made pear sauce twice. It is great with yogurt and granola. Most of it has been frozen to be eaten later. Blessings pushed down and running over.

My life is filled with unexpected pleasures. I never know what will be out there somewhere waiting for me.

Leroy and I hung up nine more pictures. We looked for nail holes in the hall, front entrance, and stairwell to the upper level. Things look fairly good there. I hope no serious decorator comes to visit or I will be obliged to explain that we just used the existing holes.

There are two women’s groups in this church. That is bad because it means I have to choose since I do not want to go to two meetings. One of them sent me an invitation. Does that mean I should go there? I probably will do that, but I do not want to insult the other group. Seems like a hard fence to walk.


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