Saturday, May 11, 2013

Getting Here


As usual all flights were seamless. I will have to say that it is so nice in a small airport because I can find my way almost without thinking about it, lines are short, and auto traffic is limited. It was nice on the first flight because there were three seats across with no one in the middle seat so I felt that I had a lot of room.

In Denver greed took over. However it failed to materialize in a tangible return as $500 slipped away. Just as I was coming off the jet way I heard an announcement, “Anyone going to Salt Lake who would be able to go on a later flight please approach the desk.”

I had not a clue where the announcement was originating. By the time I had read the departure board, and scanned the desks for the gate; it seemed more prudent to go to the bathroom. After waiting in line, heading off to the gate, turning on my phone and letting Miriam know where I was, I assumed that there was no point in asking about the delay of five hours in getting to SLC. Miriam totally disagreed with that concept. So I dutifully went up and asked if they still needed a volunteer to wait. “We certainly do,” the man stated, “I will need your boarding pass. If we do not fill up then you will go as scheduled.”

I called Miriam back only to have her ask me, “How much are they going to give you? If it is only $50 just come, but it should be at least $200. But you can do what you want. At any rate you should ask.”

Following suggestions, I asked. The answer was, “It will be a $500 voucher.”

“Five zero zero?” I asked in amazement.

“Yes,” he replied with a big grin.

I excitedly called Miriam back to let her know the good news, talked to a guy who was waiting for standby, and sat dreaming of where and when I could fly with this great ticket amount.

Well just a minute after the gate closed they told me I could board and there went that $500 splurge that I had already spent more than once.

It would not have been so much of a hardship since I would have been just five hours late. Sigh!

On the plus side, because it was still before their bedtime, Olivia and Nora brought their grins and hugs to the airport to greet me. Happiness flowed all around.


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