Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Writing a Christmas Letter


I vowed to get my Christmas letter done over the Thanksgiving weekend. Seemed there should be enough time with no company and no planned outings. Well it did not happen. So I thought yesterday could be the day. Still not done and here I am doing other things once again. I go to work in just a couple hours so it is not likely to happen today either.

We have no Christmas decorations out consequently as usual we are “bucking” the trend of decorating on Thanksgiving or the day after. We will get out our advent wreath for next Sunday. We have a couple droopy advent candles that were left in the attic heat to sigh, languish, and ooze a bit to the side. That is one problem about buying certain items on the “after” sales. Can they still be used? I think so since the bends are at the top and will soon be burned off.

Leroy has been looking, unsuccessfully, for our pictures of our Slovak Advent wreaths. It is great to have digital photos, but the sheer volume of photos and lack of organization can make them quite illusive. At least when we die our children will not have to go through so many pictures. They can just dump the entire load and be done with it. The dump will not fill up with our photos.

I want to write the witty, not to be forgotten Christmas letter and send it early, especially to those people who are not on the Internet with us so that they can be updated about our family’s latest move. Even thought nothing has happened yet Leroy senses that we will be here next Christmas as well. His contract expires next summer, but he is confident they will find money and it will be extended. He is often right about these feelings, but we will see.

Leroy drove the car today. At the CR airport the temperature was at seven degrees. He said, “Yesterday I was fine on the bike, except for my hands.” He has cold sensitive hands plus the bike riding posture does not really protect them very well.


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