Wednesday, November 7, 2012

More to Election Day


There was only one other person at the polls when I arrived and only one other by the time I left. It seemed like a light turnout to me especially when I noticed that Leroy was the only other one who had signed on our page. I know that over all there were many voters who participated. That is a good thing.

On the way home there was now again a light mist. I set off with high hopes of it staying that way or getting better. As I crossed one intersection in this light traffic mid morning, I noticed a guy standing in the street just by the curb mid block. There was something on the ground by him. I realized that he did not move so I stopped and took a closer look. There was a person lying on the ground with feet dangling in the street. As I watched two cars went by and did not stop to ask if help was needed.

“I don’t want to get involved, I forgot my cell phone, but I could go to a building that is close and ask them to call,” I thought.

So I re-crossed the street. Approaching him I noticed that a woman was sitting in her car at the exit of a parking lot. I could also see that the extremely pale, red headed, middle aged appearing woman lying face up on the ground had her eyes closed. She was wearing a light weight jacket and what looked to be lounge or pj bottoms.“Do you need help?” I asked.

“She,” he said pointing at the car, “has called the police. They should be coming soon.”

At that point the woman put down her car window and said, “The police are coming now.”

The man then told me that this woman had been staggering in the street and walking in front of cars. “She must be drunk,” he added.

I held my umbrella over her head, but then realized that would cause any drips from the umbrella to fall on her body. Even trying to help is not simple. I stayed anyway until the police came giving the man moral support, if nothing else, for his willingness to help a stranger.

Drunk could be a diagnosis, but there could also be some other health issue.

Interesting how the first willing helper seems to be in charge or at least I was willing to give him that ability and ownership of the issue.


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