Friday, April 8, 2016



Sometimes I pride myself on my organization, but usually something happens that lets me know I am not so much above average if at all. Today I was grocery shopping. I was out of quinoa and happy to find a box on the shelf that had a coupon for $2.00 off NOW. By the time I got to check out I had totally forgotten about that small attached coupon, consequently I did not get my money off. This store will be quite happy to give it to me when I return with the package and the receipt, but that means some attention to detail on my part. Do you think it will be done? Or will it take more than one trip?

We both like rice, but I read more and more about arsenic in rice so I am trying to reduce the amount that we eat by incorporating other grains. I also brought home barley, but forgot millet. Another day, another trip! We have eaten and liked faro, but I forgot to look for that. The list of forgotten is getting longer.

Leroy is more optimistic than I realize. He rode the bike today in spite of the cold. At noon when he went from one job to the other he rode in snow. Now the sun is shining. Hopefully that will be true when he comes home. He tells me he feels so much better when he spends time outdoors going to and from work.

I thought it would be nice to go to an arboretum tomorrow to see if anything is blooming, but wonder if it is a good idea. Perhaps we should just go anyway and hug a tree to give it encouragement. I have read in several places that time in nature is so beneficial to us. So the trees might give back as much as they get.

I am going to use some the winter onions that are growing around the house. It always is exciting to me to harvest those first foods from outdoors. Apparently just holding soil is good for our souls. I must get out more just getting my hands dirty.


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