Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Brave Leroy


Leroy called our internet provider to find out if there were a way to lower our new bill. Course I told him, “I think we need to call them, but I do not want to do it.”

After a little more pushing from me, Leroy agreed to take on this task. I was happy because I just dislike making this type of call. He was happy to report that he not only got a deal we will be paying less this year than we did last year. Such a great guy is that Leroy, especially when he does things that I do not want to do.

After telling me the good news Leroy commented, “You should use the new knife sharpener. And check air in the car tires.”

I groaned. Then he added, “I could be hit by a car on the way to work, or have a heart attack, or die in some other way. You need to know how to do the things that I do.”

I agree with that, but I do not look forward to such a time, however knowing how to live all parts of my life would make the transition to singleness easier. Lately I have been taking care of much of our finances so Leroy could use a little experience in that territory. Passwords would be especially helpful for him to have.

Leroy rode his bike today in spite of the prediction of rain. The rain could stop by the time he is ready to come home. I am home so I said, “I can come get you if it is necessary.”

I hung out clothes hoping that the rain forecast starting at 11:00 would be accurate. Unfortunately it started at 9:00, fortunately I thought it was serious rain and brought the clothes in as it continued and became stronger. I hung those clothes on racks so I hung them twice. Do you think they feel well loved?


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