Tuesday, August 2, 2011



Leroy staked up the peppers that the wind had blown over, picked some tomatoes, peppers, and one biggest squash. We brought these things to Brian’s along with some onions that had been harvested some time ago. In some ways it looked like a pitiful amount of stuff, however it is all as organic as I can make it so that adds to the value. Then there was corn to share that Leroy’s sister had given us.

I am so impressed with all of the squash that we have. I was afraid that we would have to leave all of it for the next person or even no one as maybe no one will move in before frost comes. However I plan to pick all of them. One guy at the farmer’s market had some to sell and his squash looked no riper than mine are; consequently I am going to start using some of these vegetables next week and then pick what I want when we leave.

On the way to Brian’s house, I drove through the longest torrential rain in my experience. There was some lightening but not enough to shake the car as happened to Brian the last time he drove in a storm. I will say that people on the interstate in the Cities slowed their speed to my comfort level so I just kept going even though many cars pulled off under overpasses or just where the road was wider. It was startling to drive through the streams the formed in certain places in the road. Once a car went past me in such a place causing water to cover my windshield so I, momentarily, could not see. I was so glad to pull into Brian’s drive. It felt like coming home.


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