Sunday, August 7, 2011

Healing, Veggies, and Modem


Today both Leroy and I are feeling better. Leroy was able to lead the service this morning. He used an old sermon because he did not have the energy to create a new one. Using old sermons is not his forte even though he could do a lot of that as we have been moving around so much. I thought the old sounded almost fresh and new. Coughing is still in evidence and Leroy says that he tires easily.

My pain free range of motion has increased considerably. By the time I see the doctor on Tuesday I will probably ill be well. However I do want to have a discussion about discontinuing this medicine.

It was wonderful to come home and find dinner in the garden. Just think we have butternut squash, tomatoes, peppers, onions, and Swiss chard. With the addition of some herbs, potatoes, and eggs we thought we had a great meal. Blessings abound.

After struggling with the wireless part of the modem, talking two times with the source of the modem, and our internet provider we are going to get a new modem. That will be nice. It is great timing that we bought that laptop computer just now as the guarantee on the modem is expiring soon. Great to find the problem before rather than after it was ours for keeps.

Hopefully this will all take place before we need to change our address as it will be sent. Leroy talked to someone to learn that we do not have to move until the second week in September. That will give us a little more time to plan, stew, and fuss or relax and figure out the rest of our lives. We consider it a gift.

The hardest part of not having a job and a place to go is that we have to figure out what we might need in the mean time and not store some vital item. My plants are right in the forefront of my concerns. I am not sure that I will be able to find temporary spots for all of them. Guess I really should not have so many, but I like them a lot.


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