Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Moving Details


We are not moving in ten days as I said in my last missive, but it should have read ten days after Leroy’s last official work day. Moving day will be the 10th of September. Our plan is to go first to Salt Lake City to visit Miriam for about two weeks. Or until close to the end of September at which time I, or Leroy and I depending on Leroy’s job situation, will go to Washington DC as Sarah and Stephen’s second baby is due.

I asked a couple more people here about taking some of the plants, but there were no takers. My dear friend offered a place at her school close to Cedar Rapids. Email is worth a lot as it allows me to keep this connection. I will indeed make that trip of a couple hours one way so that my “babies” can have a safe stay. It lightens my emotional load considerably. I think I mourned their death last night as I could not stop thinking about “getting rid” of them. Because I have come to terms with their loss I still might eliminate some of them by giving them away on one of the free sites on the Internet. I guess I am over the top when it comes to my plants. I remember reading once that in order to learn to love someone unconditionally, practicing loving your plants as they do not talk back or cause other agitation. I must have taken that advice to heart. Now can I love people unconditionally?

On our way west, because we will be plant free, we might take some side trips to tourist sites that are just a short distance out of our direct route to take in some of the national natural beauty.

Today, we had, here in this place, the last bible study and they gave us a small going away party complete with fruits and muffins. Then there is a gift to all of a hand made bookmark. Blessings abound! I sometimes forget that we get so much more than we give and more than we need. No reason to moan and complain!


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