Thursday, August 25, 2011

The lost is found


Each move requires that we re-evaluate the worth of an item that we are hauling around. You probably have guessed that moving causing a reduction in value. Yesterday Leroy asked, “Do we want to keep this video camera that we bought in the 1990’s?”

Even though this was seen as an expensive purchase we did not use it much in the last years, so I said, “No, let’s give it away.”

Leroy then proceeded to open the bag to see just what was in there. Much to his surprise he pulled out the stained glass star that we had been looking for in Chariton. What a blessing! To think that in Chariton I swore I had looked in every box when Leroy had wanted to hang this star in church. I just did not look in the camera bag, one because it would not be in there and two because the bag was not big enough. Joy abounds in unexpected places and ways.

When my brother-in-law was here he took apart at least four of the dreaded metal shelves. He stacked them neatly so all that has to be done now is find a way to get them to stay as a group. That is a huge blessing as those things annoy both Leroy and I, but, unlike the camera, we seem to often find uses for the shelves. We also spent some time packing a couple boxes in the kitchen of things that I do not use on a daily basis. I have packed a couple more boxes on my own. Leroy’s day off is tomorrow and I know that we will tackle these moving chores with much more vigor.

Leroy has hired a truck and talked seriously with a storage unit in town that is climate controlled. That will be very nice to get this job done.


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