Monday, August 22, 2011

High Now


I am feeling quite fine now. I know that I accept what I have to do and experience. In the end it will all be good. It did indeed help to have my sister and brother-in-law visit. Just talking about other things is good for the soul. Then today one of my friends called me and we had a satisfyingly long chat. That was followed by a lengthy lunch with another friend. I am being upheld and caressed. Blessing abound.

The deer were plentiful while there were visitors. I think we saw one almost every day. Two times they were in the back yard. Today Leroy noticed that they have sheared off to the ground, one of the plants by the back door. Grrr! I know they have to eat, but I want them to eat elsewhere.

We played a great lawn game in the coolness Saturday evening. We were pleased that the coolness lasted through Sunday as the church service was in the park. It was just perfect to sit in the shelter and feel the breeze waft through. I sang a solo and it went fairly well. Somehow it was less intimidating to sing in the park that is so much less formal than the church. I did come in too soon in one place, but just kept going hoping/knowing that eventually the accompanist would figure out where I was.

After the service games were enjoyed by some and just visiting by others. Then we had the traditional church picnic that includes a sampling of dishes from a variety of backgrounds. All in all it was a nice day.


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