Friday, June 30, 2023

What’s up My Sleeve

Hello, When Leroy and I pick black raspberries, we need to go into some very brushy places. We wear long sleeved shirts, long pants, and hats. Because of ticks or other unwelcome critters, we do use some bug spray, especially in the areas where something might climb aboard. At home we take off our clothes in the stairwell for some privacy, but it is not in the apartment proper. The clothes are thrown out the door into the porch. When decent we hang the clothes on the clothes’ line outside. Usually, they stay out overnight. One day when I put the shirt back on, I noticed a little tickle in the sleeve. Absentmindedly, I rubbed it before ignoring it. However, from time to time I would be aware of the tickle again. With a tank top under it, I finally took it off when it seemed more persistent. Wow, what is this? It turned out to be a rather nice medium sized moth. So much better than something that might sting. So much better than a tick that might give Lyme disease. The cucumbers are weeded. The sun talked loudly after a bit so I came home. There were three different types of kale in my bag for us to enjoy. Someone gave us a cabbage. It is quite large so we can eat it for days. Are we rich or what? Paula

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