Thursday, June 22, 2023

Unsettling Meal

Hello, This morning we had started to enjoy our breakfast of oatmeal topped with granola, apple, banana, and black raspberries. I had had several mouthfuls when I looked down to see a moving spot which became a black bug. I grabbed the hard-shelled critter with my hand, yelled “a bug”, dashed downstairs (we live on the second floor), unlocked the door at the bottom, ran out of the porch and flung that unwelcome guest away. When I came back Leroy commented, “You are certainly lively this morning.” I sat there and looked at my bowl searching for more visitors, finding none I did eat, but with not much joy and a bit of trepidation. To think, we put our berries through three waters before we declare them clean. This bug so closely looked like the berries and it could have hidden in the hole that is there from detaching it from the vine. We will pick again tomorrow morning when it is not so hot. Certainly, there will be more careful looking as we clean these berries. I not like the idea of pesticides on my food, but I am also not ready to welcome bugs. Some issues are hard arrive at a peaceful solution. Paula

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