Saturday, June 17, 2023

Day Off?

Hello, I assured Leroy that there was not so much to do today and he could have the day off. Somehow it did not work that way. Early I started making yogurt. He did help a little with that. Then it was on to washing bedding. He helped hang out much of the two loads. He feels guilty if he does not help. I appreciated the help. After that we went to the store where he got a part to repair a garden hose. Then we stopped at another because he needs a new watch band. Followed by a stop at a hardware to learn if they recycled a particular type lightbulb, they did not. Now it was on to the grocery store. Then when home there is the unloading and putting away chores. Leroy was totally involved in all of that. He got together an action team request for money from our insurance company. Followed by ordering two books. Now he has finished reading a book and is watching TV. Does this look like a day off? Later we are going to walk where black raspberries grow to check the progress. I plan to plant more lettuce and Leroy wants to plant snap dragons. Not too much sitting around today. I also made granola, but did not let Leroy help with that because he was starting to sigh. Paula

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