Wednesday, June 7, 2023

More Questions of Trash or Not

Hello, Today, I went to pick up our hand vacuum. It is quite old, but the motor seems to run quite well. I think we bought it in 1993. A piece broke where the hose attaches to the vacuum. I took it to the repair shop. I can walk there so that is a savings. Today I picked it up and paid the bill. I could have bought a new machine for the cost of repairs. Hopefully this one will run another 30 years which should be all I will need it. At least we are keeping it out of the landfill for a while longer. When I picked up the vacuum, the woman told me that it is no longer made and she thinks it is the best one there is. She lost hers in the flood and has not been able to replace it. She also said more people are getting things repaired including fans and mixers along with vacuums. It is always a question about what to do. These days the repairs often cost more than it would to get a new item. That certainly encourages contributing it to the dump. The orange and the yellow lilies are blooming. I just love to see the colors emerge. It lifts my spirits. Leroy just came home. We do believe in repairing Leroy. He saw the eye doctor who commented that the prism in his glasses is as low as it can go. That was many years ago that need first appeared. The doctor was surprised that it is still improving. Leroy also went to the dermatologist. He had a spot on his leg that was growing. The nurse commented on it and the doctor took it off for a biopsy. Leroy should be in good shape now for a while. His insurance covered his tooth extraction so that Oral surgeon sent him a check for what he had paid. Nice to know there are honest people in the world. Paula

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