Saturday, November 28, 2020

Out and About



We hung out two loads of clothes when the temperature got up to 33 degrees F. There was a bit of a breeze later and the temperature rose to 49 so the clothes dried very well. It was a bit hard to know if they were dry or cold so when we bought them in we spread them out. For most of them cold was the diagnosis. A few thicker parts were a bit damp. It did not take long for them to dry. That activity gave us quite a few steps.


In the afternoon we went to a dam spillway that has been flooded a few times and exposed much ancient history compete with fossils. We did take our masks and were glad that we did. There were quite a few people there. We did not get really close to others except when meeting someone on the trail. We were pleased that many of the rest of the people also were wearing masks. It was good to walk in the trees and see the fungi. Fortunate Leroy spotted an eagle. I saw the bird, but could not see the head at that point. We took the long way home on a delightfully curvy road that was a bit like being on a roller coaster, but not so fast. I was driving and had no desire to plunge into a ditch.


Leroy has been working on his stamps. Today all the mail but one piece had something to do with stamps. He had bought from two different places and then the post office sent a catalogue just to entice Leroy.


Today he seems to be organizing stamps from Poland. He mostly collects USA stamps, but he seems to get more and more from other countries.



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