Friday, March 20, 2020

Shopping Again


When coming home from the shopping trip two days ago, at a stop sign there was a rather loud noise as if someone had lost a muffler. Leroy said, “Was that us?”

I had no idea, but thought, “Surely not.”

However as we moved on there was a noise that seemed to go with us in a rather rhythmical pattern. At the next stop sign there was again that noise, but not quite as loud. Going into the garage it was still there, but not so much. We had a number of groceries to put away so we ignored the vehicle. It was raining and our garage is a ways from the house so Leroy did not venture out again and then forgot about it. I had been in the garage for something else and looked at the wheel where I thought the sound might be coming from, but could seen nothing that I knew anything about. You realize that I do not know what I was looking for, but I wondered if something had been caught in the wheel. Leroy forgot about it again yesterday.

This morning he took that vehicle for his last work run and he said, “There was no noise.” Hopefully his hearing is good because it is not going to have any attention now.

Yesterday I went to another store where I get my flour. They had a special early hour for seniors. I was quite pleased that rubber gloves were available for all customers as was hand sanitizer. In the bulk food area they requested that the gloves be used. They had glove places scattered throughout the store. I believe this will be my last trip out in the community for some time to come. As I cannot think of anything else that we do not have here. Seems to me we will “make do”.


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