Monday, March 30, 2020

Touching My Face Or Not


I have stated that I was careful not to touch my face while at the store. Since I have read that the two most important things we can do, along with many other suggestions, are wash our hands and don’t touch your face. I was not in the grocery store any longer than it took me to get my things so it was not so very hard.

As practice when I walk, I try not to touch my face. The walks last at least 45 minutes usually and sometimes longer. It seems it is not long and there is a tickle on my cheek then my nose itches. Once I caught my hand reflectively rising to scratch, but I was able to stop it before it connected. Since I am not touching anything while out and about on these walks, it would probably not be a problem if I did touch my face. To get control of the situation, I have been practicing an almost mindful meditation type thing where I notice, but do not respond. It works sometimes, but not others when the itch or whatever becomes stronger and stronger. Sometimes then I reach up and push up the inside of my coat to tend to it.

The other night when Leroy and I were doing our nightly crossword puzzle he tried not to touch his face. He did a lot of breathing and groaning as he strongly wanted to rest his chin on his hand. How many reflective moves do we have in our supply that involve hands on faces? I also find that I put my hands on my face while seated. Sometimes doing that resting thing as Leroy was wont to do.


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