Sunday, March 22, 2020

Walking to Church


This morning Leroy said, “Our walk to church will be easy and short.”

I thought about the fact that we usually walk that mile to church, but with live streaming that walk would not happen. The next best thing was to wear a path in the carpeting. Sorry downstairs friends! I started off at about our usual departure time. It seemed that I needed a bit of tea from time to time as well as some other unscheduled stops to put something away or adjust the position of something else. What a drag, but I finally made it. Even in cold discomfort, the outdoors wins as the better place to walk.

It was nice to sing the hymns, speak some liturgy, join in prayers, and listen to the sermon. We certainly missed the social contact, but it is interesting to experience a different way of being with God. It helps me to empathize with those who have not been able to get out for a long time. With this first attempt using this technology, some had difficulty accessing the service. Leroy and I could get on but it would blip from time to time. After it was over people could chat, but somehow we clicked off and could not get back to that area. Learning, learning all the time we are learning. I am not complaining just noting that change can bring challenges.

We did go out this afternoon and walk. I now only need 400 more steps to reach 10,000. That should be fairly easy. At least it will not take me 15 minutes.  We also did a little bit of tai chi this morning. It feels so good to move more parts of the body.


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